Update-1: Zonnepanelen
Zonnepanelen onderwijzers huizen
De start is gemaakt voor het plaatsen van de zonnepanelen op de onderwijzers huizen. Onderwijzershuizen bij de school zijn erg belangrijk voor de continuïteit van het onderwijs. Lemani schrijft hierover:
One of the most long-stay challenges rocking teacher motivation in Malawi is lack of accommodation for teachers in rural areas. If luckily a teacher finds one, it unfortunately does not have electricity. That compromises quality of education the teachers offer to rural children as most of them opt to stay in nearby towns where they can access electricity. Future4All Malawi in partnership with the Soroptimist Club, Wilde Ganzen Foundation and Help Malawi-Nederland constructed four teacher houses at Dzoole Primary School as an incentive to bring teachers close to school and students. Last week on 23 April 2021 Future4All Malawi received funding worth €2123 from the Soroptimist De Eemsmond through Help Malawi-Nederland to install solar electricity in the teacher houses. For sustainability teachers staying in the houses have agreed to pay a minimal solar electricity bill at the end of each month for future maintenance.
Installation is in progress. And electricians have confirmed that this work will be completed next week