Update over de waterpomp
Wij hebben het financieel rond dat er elektrische waterpomp en een zonnecollector om de elektriciteit voor deze pomp op te wekken komt in Dzoole.
“Bits for Kids” heeft de grootste financiële bijdrage hiervoor geleverd en het resterende bedrag zal worden aangevuld door Wilde Ganzen. Wij en vooral de vrouwen en meisjes in Dzoole zijn hier heel blij mee! Het is heel belangrijk dat het water elektrisch gepompt kan worden.
Op de foto’s is te zien hoeveel emmers en teilen er meerdere keren per dag gevuld moeten worden en hoeveel vrouwen en meisjes er meerdere keren per dag moeten wachten totdat zij hun emmers en teilen kunnen vullen. De vrouwen dragen het water op hun hoofd soms meer dan 800 meter naar hun huis. In de tijd dat de vrouwen – en vaak ook jonge meisjes – op hun beurt wachten zouden zij allerlei andere nuttige dingen kunnen doen.
Het water moet van 53 meter diepte omhoog gepompt worden en dat kost veel kracht. Elektrisch gaat dat natuurlijk veel sneller. Daarom is het zo’n goede zaak dat de elektrische waterpomp hier geplaatst kan worden!
Installation of Solar Water System
The community is now ready to embrace the long-awaited solar water system. As soon as funding from Wilde Ganzen Foundation and Help Malawi-Nederland were received into Future4All account some processes had to be verified before the actual work starts.
Water experts from Water Department in Ntcheu District were invited to come and do the final assessment of the water yield and the status of the borehole. This was done to verify feasibility of the project before funds are actually spent. It was discovered that the borehole gives 0.36litres of water per second which is 20litres per 55seconds. The experts recommended that we should have a 10,000litre tank to meet the current demand of water for a certain proportion of people of the community.
The solar electrician was also invited to the site to draw final sketch and needs to have the system work.

A meeting with community leaders (Chief and elders) and the Village Development Committee (VDC) was conducted. This was to sensitise them about the project and inform them that money has arrived to start the project. This process helps to buy in active participation and ownership of the project by the community. Community leaders were very excited about the project saying they had been waiting for that day when women and girls will no longer spend hours on the queue to get water from a borehole.
After meeting with community leaders, another meeting was conducted at the borehole where community leaders explained the whole project concept to women who use the borehole. They were urged to take very good care of this project once it is done. A committee of 10 members was instituted to have an oversight of the system. The committee will be trained on how they will manage the solar water system. Project will start in the second week of November.