Storm ‘ANA’ 1 Februari 2022
Meer dan een week geleden raasde o.a. over Malawi de storm genaamd: Ana. In 2020 werd Dzoole-village ook getroffen door een storm en we hebben toen actie ondernomen om iedereen te helpen.
Vorige week schreef Lemani, onze contact persoon in Dzoole-village, over ‘Ana’het volgende:
“We had a business shutdown in blackout due to terrible cyclone Ana from Mozambique. It has left hundreds of people homeless now with roads and bridges washed away. Schools have been temporally closed in the southern region including the district Ntcheu”
Hij schreef ook dat het in Dzoole-village, het dorp ligt in het Ntcheu district, wel mee valt. Hier waren geen doden gevallen en de schade was te overzien. Na een aantal dagen waar contact niet mogelijk was, kregen we vandaag dit bericht van Lemani,
Sorry for coming back to you a bit late. We have internet connection problems due to power outage allover. We are lucky we have solar power in the village.
The number of affected families kept on increasing due to heavy rains that hit again on Saturday. The number is now at 53 houses/families. Some of these families are now living in their kitchen rooms outside their damaged houses; some are living with their relatives. Those who were in school and churches are now living in temporary houses. The Government has not yet provided them with any support. Red Cross Society and churches contributed to provide the victims with plates, plastic sheets to cover the roofs, buckets to be used to draw water from boreholes. We are still waiting for the government to intervene, but we do not know when and how. Actually the families need support with utensils, blankets, and food. They are going to rebuild their houses starting April when rains stop.
Madzanje Secondary school was also affected. (Dit is de secondaryschool waar een aantal studenten die wij sponsoren naar toe gaan) Two classrooms, part of the office, laboratory and library had their roofs blown off. The school management has used some of the better roof sheets to temporarily renovate the office. The blown off roof sheets were damaged and they just need to buy new iron sheets. School was temporarily closed last week but now they have returned to school this week. Currently, students from the damaged classrooms are learning in the school hall with shifting classes.
The school needs support with new iron roof sheets, nails, some timber and labour costs for skilled carpenter to put the roofs back. The National Library has promised the head teacher to donate some books to the school once the library is rehabilitated. The school will also need some support with laboratory materials that have been damaged when it gets fixed.
Zoals bekend is het doel van onze stichting om jongeren te helpen bij het kunnen volgen van voortgezet onderwijs.
Wat doe je dan als je deze berichten leest en ziet wat zo’n storm met de mensen doet??
Onze stichting heeft niet de middelen om iedereen te helpen en hierbij zijn we ook van mening dat het district de restauratie van Madzanje Secondary school voor haar rekening moet nemen. Wel is het van levensbelang om de 53 families die dakloos zijn geworden van voedsel en dekens te voorzien.
Wie kan en wil hierbij financieel helpen? U kunt uw donatie overmaken op rekening:
NL31INGB0006030340 tnv Stichting HELP Malawi Nederland, Bussum o.v.v Ana
Mocht het district of de regering toch in deze nood voorzien (iets wat wij niet verwachten) besteden we de gedoneerde gelden aan schoolgeld voor nieuwe studenten het komende jaar.